Still looking for a meaningful way to observe Yom Kippur? Jewish but not religious? Join Tri-Valley Cultural Jews on Saturday, October 12 for our Yom Kippur gathering featuring music, readings and discussions. The event will be held from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. in Livermore. Reservations are required; email culturaljews@gmail.com. Suggested donation: $25/non-member adult. All are welcome, regardless of ability to donate.
Rabbi Judith Seid will lead a short ceremony of repentance and forgiveness at 2 p.m. Discussions sessions following will include mental health, forms of governance, education and invasive/endangered species during which participants will be encouraged to examine how they can have impacts on these social problems in the year to come. The afternoon will conclude with a remembrance (nizkor) ceremony. Quiet activities will be available for children for whom the afternoon might be inappropriate.