Jewish Culture School


Looking for a secular/cultural Jewish experience for your kids? Join us for another joyful year of Jewish Cultural School! We’ll be singing, dancing and cooking our traditions as we take a deep dive into holidays and life cycles. Instruction provided for Kindergarten through Brit Mitzvah (ages 5-14). Meetings will be mostly indoors with good ventilation and air filtration. Centrally located in Pleasanton.

Jewish Culture School is available to children of all TVCJ member families.
Click here to join!

Schedule for 2024-2025: 
(‘JCS’ indicates classes held in Pleasanton. Holiday celebrations will be held at other locations)

August 25 – First Day JCS 10:30am
September 8 – JCS
September 22 – Rosh Hashanah Family Day
October 2 – Rosh Hashanah Ceremony – afternoon
October 12 – Kol Nidre – evening
October 20 – Sukkah Raising – morning
November 3 – JCS
November 17 – JCS
December 1 – JCS
December 15 – JCS
December 21 – Hanukkah Party

January 5 – JCS
January 19 – JCS
February 2 – JCS
February 16 – Tu B’Shvat
March 2 – JCS
March 16 – Purim
March 30 – Passover Family Day
April 13 – Community Passover Seder
April 27 – Last Class JCS
May 18 – Lag B’Omer
June 1 – Shavuos + Annual Meeting

-Judy (middle and older kids), Jamie (Brit Mitzvah) and Jazz (youngest kids)

4 thoughts on “Jewish Culture School

  1. Hoping you can help — I recently discovered SHJ and started a small group locally, but my oldest turns 12 next month, and I’m running out of time to grow us a community from the grassroots up. I tried our local Reform synagogue last year, but it just isn’t a good fit. A friend suggested I search out CSJO groups to see if you might be willing and able to take on a couple of FL kids (since everything is online now anyway). Is that possible?

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