
Beige polka dotted background with lulav (branches) and etrog (fruit) centered above Sukkot Celebration. In 2 green ovals, Oct 20th, 10:30-12pm, Pleasanton. And Sukkah Raising, Potluck, Crafts. Tri-Valley Cultural Jews, Secular + Humanist,,  (925) 399-8029

Looking for a fun way to celebrate Sukkot? Jewish but not religious? Celebrate Sukkot with us! Sukkot is a fall holiday that celebrates the harvest with the tradition of building a temporary shelter called a sukkah. As is our tradition, we’ll build our sukkah and spend the morning schmoozing and decorating it. It is also traditional to share a meal under the sukkah, so we invite you to bring a potluck brunch dish to share. The fun starts on Sunday, October 20th at 10:30am in Pleasanton. Please bring a branch to put on top of the sukkah, a fruit to hang as decoration and a dish to share. We will have crafts and fun for all.

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