Tri-Valley Cultural Jews will be hosting our annual Lag B’Omer picnic potluck. Please bring: a picnic dish to share, an outdoor toy (frisbee, ball, etc.), and be ready to participate in our fun and hilarious annual watermelon toss.
Category: Events
Tri-Valley Cultural Jews Passover Seder

TVCJ’s annual community seder will be held at the Bothwell Arts Center, 2466 8th Street in Livermore on Saturday, April 20 at 5 p.m. Reservations are required. To reserve a space and receive a potluck assignment, please call (510) 888-1404 or e-mail by April 15. Food need not be kosher for Passover. There is a requested donation of $25/adult non-member of TVCJ. Children are welcome. Our secular seder, replete with songs of resistance and hope, uses an English-language progressive Secular haggadah highlighting the power of community and the value of freedom. The hour-long ceremony, followed by a potluck dinner, is family-friendly (but not child-centered).
Tri-Valley Cultural Jews Purim Celebration
Please join the Tri-Valley Cultural Jews on Sunday, March 24 from 10:30 – 12:30 for our annual secular Purim celebration. We will make hamantaschen, have crafts, games, and fun for all ages, and present our annual Purim skit. Bring your favorite hamantaschen filling. Attendees are also encouraged to come dressed as their favorite Purim character. The celebration will take place at the Bothwell Arts Center, 2466 8th Street, Livermore. This event is free for TVCJ members; $10 for non-member adults (which can be applied to a membership if someone wishes to join).
J-West Conference Finally Arrives!
This weekend, secular humanist jews from all over joined us for our west coast conference, “A World of Jewish Music”. Talented speakers, excellent food, interesting company, and fabulous entertainment were all part of the fun. Here are several photos from the first day of the conference.
Tri-Valley Cultural Jews Tu’Bshvat
LARPD Ranger Amy will lead the group on a hike along the Arroyo del Valle. We will look for the plants and animals that call this area home. We are sure to find lots of cool bugs and other creatures along the way! We plan to walk rain or shine so please dress appropriately and wear comfortable shoes. Please bring a potluck dish to share. We have members that are dairy-free and gluten-free so please indicate on an index card your ingredients. Potluck at Noon.
When: Sunday, January 27th, 2019, 10:30am – 12:30pmWhere: Sycamore Grove Park Parking Lot, 1051 Wetmore Rd, Livermore, CA 94550
Cost: FREE for members and children, $10.00 per non-member adult
Tri-Valley Cultural Jews Hanukkah Party
Join the Tri-Valley Cultural Jews to celebrate Hanukkah on Saturday, December 8, 2018 from 6:00 – 8:00pm, with an evening of latkes, lights, music and yummy food. Bring your menorah and food to share as we gather to light our candles together, sing traditional holiday songs, and eat the freshly fried latkes pouring from the kitchen. We blend traditional celebrations with new.
Our celebration this year will be at a member’s house in Castro Valley. To RSVP and get directions call (510) 282-4261.
Cost – $10 per adult non-member.
Tri-Valley Cultural Jews Sukkot and first day of Jewish Culture School.
Please join Tri-Valley Cultural Jews on Sunday, September 23rd from 10:30 – 12:30 for our annual Sukkot celebration and our first day of Jewish Culture School. We will build a sukkah and enjoy a potluck brunch to celebrate our harvest holiday. There will be activities for children and adults. Please bring a dish to share (we have members with allergies, so please label ingredients), a branch for the roof of the sukkah, and a piece of fruit or gourd to hang. If you have one, also bring your hammer and/or power drill so you can pitch in and help build our sukkah! This event will take place at the Pepper Home… 6448 Owl Way in Livermore. To RSVP, please call 650-296-5295.
Tri-Valley Cultural Jews Yom Kippur
Join Tri-Valley Cultural Jews for a secular, humanistic observance of Yom Kippur. We will be holding a Kol Nidre service on Tues Sept 18, 2018 at 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. at the Bothwell Arts Center, 2466 8th Street, Livermore CA. This will be a program of readings in English, with discussion and music. Suggested donation $10 for non-member adults. For more information: (925) 485-1049.
Tri-Valley Cultural Jews Rosh Hashanah
Join Tri-Valley Cultural Jews in celebrating Rosh Hashanah, the start of the Jewish New Year, on September 9 from 4:30 – 8:30pm at the Bothwell Arts Center in Livermore. We will start with Tashlich (4:30), which is a walk to the nearby creek to symbolically wash away our misdeeds of the past year. Then we will have a potluck back at the Bothwell Center (5:30) followed by a secular humanistic Rosh Hashanah observance (7:00-8:00). This is a child friendly but not child-centered event. Free to members; $10 per non-member adult.
Ice Cream Social!