Over the past 72 hours, gun violence ripped through our communities in Monterey Park as the Asian American Pacific Islander community gathered to celebrate the Lunar New Year, in Half Moon Bay as people worked to provide for their families, and in Oakland as young people gathered.
We grieve for the lives lost and shattered. We stand with the families who lost loved ones and those facing the painful recovery ahead.
The gun violence epidemic continues to devastate our communities. We all celebrate together, work together, and gather in our neighborhoods together. “We cannot treat gun violence like it is somebody else’s issue,” says SFF CEO Fred Blackwell.
Unless we act together, the gun violence epidemic will continue to rob our communities of the sense of safety that we need to thrive. And we know that we must change the systems and laws that make mass shootings like these not only possible, but far too common. Without transformative change, there will always be another tragedy coming.
How to help:
To help those affected by the mass shooting in Half Moon Bay, we have made a contribution to Silicon Valley Community Foundation’s Emergency and Disaster Relief Fund. This fund is working with local organizations in Half Moon Bay to provide support to those impacted and their communities.
- Contribute to the SVCF Emergency and Disaster Relief Fund
SFF grantee Puente de la Costa Sur is organizing support for the families affected in Half Moon Bay. As a community resource center for the South Coast, Puente is working with local partners that are providing direct assistance.
- Contribute to Puente de la Costa Sur
In addition, SFF’s philanthropic advisors curated this give guide of local and national organizations imagining and building safer communities.
SFF donor advised fund holders can recommend a grant on Donor Center with the following information:
Grantee Name: Silicon Valley Community Foundation
Short Purpose: to support the Emergency and Disaster Relief Fund
Grantee Name: Puente de la Costa Sur
Short Purpose: to support direct relief for families impacted by the Jan. 23 shooting in Half Moon Bay