Celebrate the birthday of the trees with us! Join us for our Tu B’Shvat Secular Seder and Potluck on Saturday, January 20th from 10am-12pm in Pleasanton, CA. We will be harvesting produce on behalf of our local food pantries, followed by a Secular seder and potluck. Nature crafts and schmoozing are optional! Our harvest will be outdoors, so please dress accordingly. Please bring a dish to share.
TVCJ is an accepting, welcoming, diverse community of Cultural Jews and their families, affiliated with CSJO. Email us at culturaljews@gmail.com or call (925) 399-8029 if you have questions or want to find out more about our community. You can find us at www.trivalleyculturaljews.org. Free to members, suggested $15 donation per non-member adult if you are able.