Tri-Valley Cultural Jews Speaker Series

Jews of India

Tri-Valley Cultural Jews is hosting a three part speaker series highlighting Jews in various countries around the world. The presentations will take place in different restaurants which represent the topic of the presentation. Come join us for a fascinating journey around the world where Rabbi Judith Seid will tell us about the history and contribution of the Jews in each region while we all enjoy food from that location.

First in the series: Jews of India
Saturday, May 26 at 6:00 pm
Sansar Indian Restaurant
2220 First Street, Livermore

No Host – Visit for menu and pricing.

Please RSVP at (925) 485-1049 by May 20. Also include your email or phone number so we can contact you if there are any last minute changes.
(Save future dates: June 30, 2018 – Jews of China; and July 28, 2018 – Jews of Central Asia)

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