Help Wanted!

Pink background with cartoon sun and flowers around the border, saying we're looking for a Jewish culture school teacher ages Kinder through Brit Mitzvah, including crafts, food, traditions and music. First class is August 25th from 1030-12:30, 2x a month. Tri-Valley Cultural Jews,, (925) 399-8029.

Bring your camp counselor energy and your joy in Jewish culture to Tri-Valley Cultural Jews’ Jewish Culture School and help inspire and engage a new generation of Jewish kids through Jewish history, traditions, music and food.

 You’ll work collaboratively with with our head teacher, using our diverse, Secular curriculum to craft engaging classes 2x per month in Pleasanton. We welcome those of diverse Jewish and multicultural backgrounds and people of all gender identities, orientations and presentations.

We compensate for lesson planning and set-up/clean-up. Email us at or call (925) 399-8029.

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