Virtual Rosh Hashanah

Please join us virtually for a Secular, Humanistic Rosh Hashanah observance as we start our fall holiday season. Tashlich will be included in the observance as the ritual of shedding the misdeeds of the last year.

The event will be on Saturday, September 19th from 4-5.

Children are welcome though it will not be child-centered. If you’d like to make a challah to eat during the observance make it sweet for the new year by adding a quarter cup of melted butter, 2 T sugar and about a cup of raisins during kneading.

Please put on your calendar our Yom Kippur observance, Kol Nidre that will take place September 27th 6-7pm.

Members are welcome to attend free of charge. Non-adult members- we ask a suggested donation of $10, if you are able. This year after operating costs are covered, we will send to donations to the First Nations Development Institute to help with Coronavirus relief. We will have other opportunities during the observance for all to donate as well.

If you have any questions please contact us at and we will send you the link to the evite for the zoom event.

Philosopher’s Cafe

We are excited to bring this new event to our group.

Here’s how it will work….Each month we will rotate hosts who will choose a topic for us to talk about (keeping everything civil of course). The host will introduce the topic and come up with a few prompts/ questions to keep the conversation going if needed. And everyone shares their ideas about the topic to have a nice discussion. The thing is, the host doesn’t announce the topic until the meeting so we aren’t researching before the event…this should be fun…we hope many of you will join us!

Judy will be our first host. Please let Jamie Ireland know if you’d like to host future dates or if you have questions.

Our first Philosopher’s Cafe will be:
When: Aug 6, 2020 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Register in advance for this meeting:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

August Havdalah

Shalom TVCJ, Join us for Virtual Havdalah! Bring a braided candle, juice/wine, spice box to participate…or just watch our short secular, humanistic ceremony. Afterward we will have an online game night.

You are invited to a Zoom meeting. 
When: Aug 15, 2020 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada) 

Reservations are required. To make a reservation please email Jamie Ireland at

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Tri-Valley Cultural Jews Virtual Upcoming July Havdalah

Date: Saturday, July 18th
Time: 7:00p.m.
Place: This year the TVCJ Havdalah celebrations will be held over zoom video conferencing.
Cost: FREE
Sophia will present one of her Brit Mitzvah projects during our Havdalah. We will celebrate the end of Shabbes with a short Havdalah observance and shmooze afterward. If you’d like to participate from your home, then have a braided candle to light, wine or juice to drink (to put the candle flame out) and a spice box.

Reservations are required. To make a reservation please Click Here.

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. Once you receive your confirmation, then please add the zoom meeting link to your calendar.

TVCJ Speaks Out for Black Lives

Our country has a history of systematic racial inequality, oppression, and forced subjugation. That history plagues us today in the horrific acts of the police, in economic inequality, and in extrajudicial acts of racist aggression by everyday individuals. The dehumanization, hatred and state violence perpetrated against Black Americans is an affront to their dignity and a threat to their lives. In just the past few months, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, George Floyd, and countless others have been added to the long list of Black Americans killed because of the color of their skin.

As a Jewish organization and as individuals, we are committed to the inclusion of all people from diverse backgrounds and held identities. Our own oppressions and liberations have been historical turning points, as we believe today is a turning point for the Black community in America. As Jews, we hold a special responsibility to raise our voices to condemn the violence and systematic racism against people of color.

This is not just a statement of solidarity; it is a pledge to take action. As Secular Humanistic Jews, we commit ourselves to show up and to speak up. We will work together with other organizations who share our values of supporting the Black community and ending systemic racism in our society and institutions. We will support Black-led organizing. We will follow Black leadership. We will listen to Black voices.